First line support refers to the initial support provided to an end user to assist them in troubleshooting any issue that they may raise.
It is the responsibility of the partner to provide first line support services as an eSIM vendor. You will be expected to identify and subsequently provide the end user with advice to aid in resolving basic problems arising due to activation, configuration, and other questions.
Support tickets should only be raised to eSIM Go when it has been determined that there is a technical or connectivity issue which cannot be resolved without eSIM Go support. Tickets should not be raised to eSIM Go to aid with identifying first line end user faults.
The below flow chart will assist in providing solutions for common end user issues.
If the bundle has been unused then it can be revoked from the eSIM and added back into your inventory to reuse later.
Each of the numbered steps below correspond to the box numbers in the flowchart.
1. Check the eSIM status
The two possible eSIM states are Installed or Released (released meaning uninstalled). If Released follow the steps in numerical order, if Installed skip to step 7. Help article below to check eSIM status:
2. The device must be eSIM compatible
Check this list to ensure the device does support eSIM.
3. The device must be network unlocked
Help article below with method to check this.
4. The device must have a stable internet connection in order to install the eSIM
Either Wifi, or a good 4G connection are advisable
5. QR Code Install
If you are using your own branded QR code ensure the embedded URL is identical to the URL we provide. One incorrect character will render the QR code useless.
6. Manual Install
If the QR code did not scan successfully then a manual install is advisable. The help article below shows you how to locate the SMDP+ address and activation code.
7. Check the status of the eSIM
To determine if a network connection has been established.
8. Region or Country Check
Cross check the country displayed is included in the country list for the applied bundle.
9. Network Check
Cross check the network the eSIM has established a connection on is included as a roaming network. Example image for steps 8. and 9.
10. Data Roaming
If all of the above is checked and correct then the most likely cause of the issue is that Data Roaming has not been enabled.
11. Configuration Screenshots
Suggest asking for a screenshot from the customer if you are not confident they have enabled data roaming.
12. APN Check
The APN is automatic and should not require setting, however, if data roaming has been confirmed as enabled then it is worth checking this is programmed correctly.
13. APN Configuration
If no APN is present advise manually programming the APN. It should be set to data.esim
14. No Network
If no network has been registered then it is highly likely the eSIM has not been turned on in the first place. Recheck the eSIM configuration and the settings to ensure that the eSIM is enabled and data roaming is on for that eSIM. Confirm with screenshots.
15. Manual Network Select
When having trouble with connectivity it is important to remember that networks only provide coverage in restricted areas. It is occasionally required, especially when travelling, to change the network being used. This may be due to the device not doing it automatically. Just the same as with a traditional SIM the network being used can be changed to select the one with the best or most consistent connectivity.
16. Bundle Expiry
Has the limit of data that can be used on the bundle ran out. Has the 7 day or 30 day timer ran out after an initial use. Check whether the bundle is still queued, or whether it is active and being used.
17. Data Roaming Enable
When configuring data roaming, this is done the same way as for traditional plastic SIMs. In the settings menu of the device there will be options for enabling and disabling data roaming. For the best outcome, enable data roaming on the eSIM and disable data roaming on any other SIMs to ensure data services pass over the eSIM.
18. Other Issues
Likely no further action required after this point, however if a separate issue appears, go back to step number one and start again.
19. Revoke and Reissue
If issues persist with a specific eSIM, revoking the bundle and applying it to a new eSIM for the end user to install and try again can occasionally get things going.
20. Top Up
If the previous bundle has been fully utilised or expired and therefore unusable advise a top-up to continue using eSIM.
21. Previous Use
Has the end user had a good connection previously when using this eSIM?
22. Possible Issues
If the end user has previously had a good connection, but no longer does then it's possible a location change could be the reason for this change in service. Suggest manually switching to another network included in the roaming partners list.
Alternatively, the user could be in a built up area where congestion could be an issue. If there is peak usage times in areas being travelled to and towers are unable to support the number of devices in any one area.
23. eSIM refresh
Suggest an eSIM Refresh the guide for how to do this is included below.