It is possible to add single or multiple bundles to an existing eSIM by using the portal (Option 1) or by using the API (Option 2).
Option 1
2. Click "View eSIMS" - all ICCID's are now displayed in the SIM Management screen
3. Scroll to the right > Click the "Plus" symbol
Note; If you know the ICCID of the SIM you wish to apply a bundle to then you can type in the full or partial ICCID in the search box to filter out the remaining SIM's
4. In the pop up box click the "down arrow" > Select the bundle you wish to apply (the example used here is a 1 GB / 7 Day Andorra bundle) > Click "Add Bundle"
5. To view the added bundle, on the SIM Management page click on the "I" symbol
Note; If you know the ICCID of the SIM then you can type in the full or partial ICCID in the search box to filter out the remaining SIM's
6. Click "Bundles" - You can now see the queued bundles on the SIM including the 1GB / 7 day Andorra bundle added earlier
Option 2
To apply a bundle from your inventory using the API, follow these steps:
1. Go to -
2. Click "EXAMPLE"
3. To apply bundle to an existing iccid in "iccid" delete "string" and replace with the SIM iccid
4. In "name" replace "string" with the bundle name
5. In "startTime" delete "string" (leave speech marks)
Example below:
6. If you have a successful transaction then you will see in the "RESPONSE" section:
"status": "Successfully Applied Bundle" along with the ICCID of the SIM the bundle has been applied to, the ICCID in this example is 8943108161000073175 and order number is:
7. To apply multiple bundles, repeat as required